How to Speed Clean Your Home

If you’re trying to make time in your busy day, speed cleaning is a great way to accomplish tasks quickly. While it does take some practice, this strategy will have you cleaning your home in no time and leaving a spotless house to enjoy for the rest of your day. To speed up the process, try dividing your chores into small groups. You can also use checklists and faux vacuum lines to clean windows and glass.

Divide and conquer to speed clean your home

To speed clean your home, divide the tasks into smaller parts and tackle them one by one. If you are too overwhelmed to clean your whole house, start at one end and work your way to the other. Countertops and surfaces can be cleaned with a spritz of dish soap and a microfiber cloth. Move on to the rest of the house once you have completed the initial portion. Ultimately, you’ll have a spotless house that looks great.

Checklists to speed clean windows

If you want to save time and money while cleaning your windows, consider a checklist. These lists can make the cleaning process go faster. You don’t need to hire a cleaning service, or spend all day doing it. In fact, you can complete these tasks in as little as 30 minutes if you follow these steps. You can use a duster or a microfiber cloth to dust off the windows. Make sure that you don’t use your fingernails when cleaning them, as they can dig into the crevices of decorations. If you can’t remove them, move them temporarily out of the way while you finish the cleaning.

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Using faux vacuum lines to speed clean the back of your couch

If you want to give your couch a new look, try using a damp rag to create faux vacuum lines on the back. This simple trick will add visual impact to your couch and speed up cleaning. To create faux vacuum lines, simply swipe the damp rag up and down the back of your couch. You can also use a blow dryer to speed up drying. A blow dryer works best on low heat so that it will not damage the fabric. While the couch is drying, use the upholstery attachment for a vacuum cleaner. This attachment will get into the nooks and crannies of the couch fabric and prevent it from being sucked up by the hose.

Whether you have a canister or upright vacuum, the back of your couch is a difficult spot to clean. Remove the cushion covers and stuffing from the couch to clean it. Most pillows have squares of foam padding and white fluff. Avoid removing the batting. Once you have removed the cushion covers, you can wipe down the soiled areas with a damp cloth.

If you have a non-fabric section of your couch, you can clean it with a simple solution of warm water and liquid dish soap. Be careful not to over wet the fabric; only dab until the spots come out. You can use a blow dryer to speed up the drying process. You should also use a portable fan to speed up drying time. While the process of cleaning your couch is simple, it is important to follow the directions on your cleaning products.

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Before you start cleaning your fabric couch, you must determine the fabric type. Fabric couches stain easily and set up stains quickly. When this happens, they are difficult to remove. If you have a fabric couch, you must first identify the specific cleaning code on the care label. Typically, fabric couches are made of leather, fabric, or synthetic materials (microfiber). The care label will contain information about specific types of cleaning solutions for those materials. However, you can also use homemade upholstery cleaning solution.